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Everything a parent needs regarding news, grades, information, and communication!

Emergency Text Notice

Parents! Every new school year, parents and staff are required to sign up for text notifications in case of emergencies and important information.
Missionary Fundraiser
Feed the Need is a unique experience that teaches our students to be globally aware, mission-minded, and service-focused. This campaign provides a rare opportunity to bring the life-changing experience of an overseas mission trip directly to our students.
Our school community will pack, seal, and distribute over 10,000 meals to families in need in our local community and abroad.
Funds raised during this event go directly to our organization. From those earnings, we will use a portion of the funds to bless those in need in Bangladesh and Memphis Mid-South Food Bank. Ten thousand meals will be packed and shipped regardless of the total funds raised.

Parents, we want you to know that HBA's ministry includes AWANA, a Bible Club program that is full of activity, Bible Lessons, Scripture memory, and ministry service. It is a great program that every parent should consider. Every Wednesday night, when school is in session, at 6:30 pm. Contact the school office!